Friday, 20 December 2013

Audience Research- Made In Chelsea

This secondary resource has given me extended evidence on the age range for my target audience for my reality programme. By basing the research on structured reality programmes it will enable me to take some of the information and use it for my own benefit. For example, by knowing the audience for Made In Chelsea is mostly females under 18, I can fit that in with my programme and use that as an advantage. Again, this supports evidence that reality programmes appeal to females and a young audience. This is because the graph shows that the ones who watch the show the most are females who are aged under 18. As well as this, the second most popular audience is females aged 18-29, which is the second youngest audience, suggesting further to young audience who watch reality programmes.


                                                                     Medium Shot
Characters are in centre of the shot, and are placed by myself for the constructed reality.
Sound is diegetic (talking)

Medium shot
Another character is added within the shot.

Diegetic dialogue (talking) Most of the scene is as it is and not constructed/scripted.

Medium shot
Diegetic dialogue (talking)

Low Angle shot and two-shot
Diegetic sound (talking and background noise- door opening)
Again, this flowing clip lasts 13s (including the end which is below) but does change slightly with characters moving at angles. Although, the angle of the shot does not change. Sound is diegetic throughout.

Close up
Diegetic sound (background noise- sniffling, coughing)

Very Long shot (VLS)
Diegetic sound (talking)

Long shot and a cutaway shot.
Diegetic sound (talking)

Medium shot
Diegetic sound (talking)
Original clip is 13s but the clip throughout is the same, with angles and sound not changing. Only the movement of the character is slight facial movement, head movement and hand movement but does not affect angle of shot.

Medium shot and cut-away
Diegetic sound (talking)
Original clip is 4s but angles and shots are all the same throughout this clip.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Audience Research- The Only Way Is Essex

This secondary resource can allow me to identify and further my knowledge on my own target audience for my reality TV programme. This graph shows that the audiences who watch The Only Way Is Essex are primarily females, with most of the results being that the female audience is twice as more as the male audience. According to this graph the age who watch Towie the most is 18-29 year olds which gives evidence to reality programmes having young audiences. The graph shows that females aged 18-29 are the ones who watch this show the most and therefore support the gendered and age argument over reality programmes, particulary ones who are structured. Although, this graph does show that older viewers watch the show too just not as much as younger views, who are pimary audience for this show.